Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I Love This Guy - The Feeling is Inside You!

"Emotion is Created by Motion!" - Tony Robbins

Imagine waking up with this man every morning! Imagine having his thought process inside your head! Imagine greeting each day with enthusiasm and joy. I bet he jumps out of bed and starts clapping! Imagine how many days it would take being around him before his enthusiasm was contagious and you caught it!

I keep asking myself what prevents me, what blocks me from having this kind of energy? Do I not want it? Do I tell myself a story that I can't be that way? Yeah, probably! It's that foreclosed upon feeling that everything is crashing down around me, but there have been a lot of very successful people who have had to fail, some several times, before they really got it! Before they cracked the "secret code" of life, and Tony Robbins is one of them. Now I'm thinking there really is no code, no hidden mystery, it's all simply about changing your state in the moment. You may have to force yourself at first. You may have to drag your ass out of your chair and jump around, but deep down inside you know you want to feel better and for me sometimes all it takes is watching a little video like this to make it all happen!

1 comment:

  1. You have it Maria, it is hiding away inside you somewhere! If Tony Robbins makes you feel better then go watch him every day.
