Saturday, June 18, 2011

Grace of My Heart

A good friend of mine once told me that I was one of the strongest women he had ever met. A hard concept to wrap my head around when I am in the middle of it, but looking back by doing a life review I can see that I have been, and like the woman in this movie much of what I had to be strong about was self imposed. Self imposed because I lacked the wisdom of my own inner vision. Self imposed because I let obstacles get in the way of pursuing my dreams. I think we all have dreams that we let fall by the wayside while we get swept up in pursuing road side attractions and that is fine, since our lives here are a journey. Films like "Grace of My Heart" remind me that we are all human and fragile and what our hearts want will be fulfilled as long as we keep looking for answers and working towards what we love to do, even in the midst of seeming misfortune! Sometimes we have to let the people in our lives who care hold the vision for us when we can't! Surround yourself with those people and they can help you get back on your path!

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